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School Mission

"The purpose of the foundation of universities is to train qualified personnel and expound academic views."

In the early days of the university, Peiyang University set up law, civil engineering, mining and metallurgy, and mechanic departments to meet the needs of national construction and train modernized personnel for the country. The far-sighted founders of the university used the experience of western educational system for reference in building curriculum, choosing teaching contents, text books and teaching approaches. In the following years, the succeeding presidents strained every nerve working on the perfection of the school management. Till 1949, Peiyang University had expanded into 14 departments and 5 research institutions, training numerous qualified personnel in various fields.

Peiyang University had adequate scientific and engineering equipment, with special emphasis on engineering. "All the books, samples, devices and various equipment for probing and analyzing experiments needed by the departments of science, geology, mining and metallurgy, civil engineering and mechanics were purchased from the United States and Germany and must be replenished the next year, which made Peiyang University a university with the most adequate scientific and engineering equipment in China, creating good learning and practicing conditions for students." Meanwhile, in summer vacations, students had the opportunities to go on field trips to factories and mines with their tutors. "Thus instead of empty talking, students in Peiyang University admire real talent and sound scholarship. They are able to use what they have learned at school and earnestly practice what they have advocated." The early graduates of Peiyang University attained excellent records for examination organized by Ministry of Education of the government of Qing Dynasty, ranking high among other contemporary higher learning institutions in China.

In addition, practicing in various engineering projects aroused popular patriotism and the spirit of devotion among the students. In 1934, Qian Tang Jiang Bridge, which was the first bridge designed and built by Chinese engineers, was built in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. During the two-year period of the project, Peiyang students went to Hangzhou and engaged in the construction of the bridge, experiencing the whole process in person from the construction to the explosion of the bridge in the Anti-Japanese War. From senior masters such as Zeng Yangfu and Mao Yisheng, the students comprehended the truth that the destiny of an individual was closely connected with that of the nation, which aroused the spirit of patriotism and devotion among the younger generations.